Companion Planting
Companion planting is the method of promoting healthy plants by growing together plants that are mutually beneficial. There are various ways plants can benefit each other:
Companion planting is the method of promoting healthy plants by growing together plants that are mutually beneficial. There are various ways plants can benefit each other:
- Some plants can attract pests away from the 'desired' plants or may repel (or confuse) pests by the aromatic compounds they release - from their leaves, roots or flowers.
- Other plants encourage natural predators.
- A plant with strong deep roots may break up heavy soil and make nutrients available to other plants.
- Some herbaceous plants (e.g. Borage) attract bees, which help to pollinate other plants.
- Tall varieties can provide shade to lower growing varieties.
Good Companions
ASPARAGUS | Tomatoes, Parsley |
BASIL | Tomatoes, Asparagus, Parsley |
BEANS | Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Peas, Parsley, Silver beet |
BEETROOT | Cabbage, Silver beet, Lettuce, Chives |
CABBAGES | Beans, Chamomile, Dill, Mint, Thyme, Sage, Rosemary, Onions |
CARROTS | Peas, Sage, Chives, Onions, Leeks, Lettuce |
CAULIFLOWERS | Beans, Celery, Tansy, Nasturtiums |
CELERY | Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Dill, Leeks |
CHAMOMILE | Mint, Onions, Cabbages |
CHERVIL | Coriander, Dill, Radish |
CHIVES | Parsley, Apples, Tomatoes, Beetroot |
CORIANDER | Dill, Chervil, Carrots, Cabbages |
CUCUMBER | Beans, Celery, Nasturtiums, Sweet Corn |
DILL | Carrots, Tomatoes, Cabbages, Fennel, Coriander, Sweet Corn |
FENNEL | Dill |
GARLIC | Roses, Apples, Peaches |
HORSERADISH | Fruit Trees, Potatoes |
LAVENDER | Potatoes, Tomatoes |
LEEKS | Carrots, Celery |
LETTUCE | Beetroot, Cabbages, Carrots, Onions, Marigolds, Strawberries |
MARIGOLDS | Tomatoes, Beans |
NASTURTIUMS | Apples, Cucumbers, Brassicas, Radishes, Zucchinis |
OREGANO | Cabbages |
PARSLEY | Tomatoes, Chives, Asparagus, Basil |
PEAS | Carrots, Potatoes, Radishes, Parsley |
POTATOES | Peas, Beans, Cabbage, Sweet Corn, Horseradish, Marigolds |
PUMPKINS | Sweet Corn |
SAGE | Carrots, Cabbage, Strawberries |
SILVERBEET | Beetroot, Onion, Welsh Onion |
SWEET CORN | Broad Beans |
TANSY | Cabbage, Roses, Raspberries, Grapes |
THYME | Cabbage, Broccoli, Dill |
TOMATOES | Asparagus, Basil, Marigolds |
ZUCCHINI | Nasturtiums |
Bad Companions
BEANS | Garlic, Onions, Fennel |
BROCCOLI | Strawberries |
CABAGES | Garlic, Tomatoes, Rue, Strawberrie |
CAULIFLOWER | Strawberries |
FENNEL | Beans, Tomatoes, Coriander, Wormwood |
GARLIC | Peas, Beans, Cabbage, Strawberries |
MINT | Parsley |
PEAS | Onions, Shallots, Garlic |
POTATOES | Cucumbers, Pumpkins, Tomatoes, Rosemary |
PUMPKIN | Potatoes |
ROSEMARY | Potatoes |
STRAWBERRIES | Garlic, Tomatoes, Cabbages, Cauliflower |
TOMATOES | Fennel, Dill, Strawberries, Potatoes, Rosemary |
Insect Repelling Plants
ANTS | Pennyroyal, Tansy, Mint, Garlic |
APHIDS; | Basil, Garlic, Onions, Wormwood, Spearmint, Nasturtiums, Cabbage |
WHITE BUTTERFLY | Dill, Mint, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Chamomile, Hyssop, Oregano, Celery |
FLIES | Tansy, Rue, Wormwood, Pyrethrum, Basil, Eau-de-Cologne Mint |
MICE | Wormwood, Spearmint |
MOTHS | Lavender, Sage, Wormwood, Pennyroyal, Pyrethrum, Santolina |
SLUGS | Wormwood |
SNAILS | Garlic |
THRIPS | Pyrethrum |
WHITE FLY | Nasturtiums, Basil |